OUR LAST DAYS MISSION-Sparrow & Dove Refuge


Sparrow & Dove Refuge (3)

Shalom Natsarim!

Beloveds, as of May 2021, we have not yet moved to the land that ABBA YAH is giving to us. HE has given me a mission for the Sparrow & Dove Refuge where I am currently living. I am so excited for this next season of life! ABBA has instructed me to begin to build where I am, what that means is grow food, livestock, and live simply as much as possible separate from the world! I know many Brothers and Sisters have been coming out of Babylon and buying land it is so amazing to watch what ABBA is doing in HIS people right now! I know the time is close at hand when ABBA YAHUAH will move my family and I to the land that will become the home of the Sparrow & Dove Refuge. Until then, I am to steward where we are well and to share the process with you all! That means as I build and create I will share on all of my platforms. I have been building gardens, I have a tiny greenhouse, recently we purchased chickens and I am going to open an Apothecary!! All of the things listed are true desires of my heart and ABBA has instructed me to do all of it as if I were on the land already. I am truly excited for this journey. The future Sparrow & Dove Refuge will become a habitation for YAH’s people and strangers in the times to come and it will involve being completely separate and outside of Babylon.

I want to remind you of what the Ruach revealed to me. concerning what is coming.

-YAH is going to gather us together with like minded Brothers and Sisters in the next few months

-We are going to suffer some things, but press into YAH and trust HIM

-HE is regathering the Tribes

-Prepare to leave Babylon (the system) to enter into the wilderness

-We have crossed over into the NWO and the rise of the Beast System (do not be fooled)

-Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, pray fervently, memorize scripture!

Beloved, I pray that in all things you continue to love/ahavah YAH and others, repent/teshuvah for YAH’s grace is sufficient, and have faith/emunah for it is impossible to please ABBA without it! Stay focused on Messiah YAHUSHA, and embrace you in HIM and HIM in you so that you can truly become illuminated before all! The Sparrow & Dove Refuge Farm & Apothecary embraces ahavah, teshuvah, and emunah. This is the foundation for building a place of hospitality and hope! Many will be searching in the times to come! The vision has not changed only expanded to begin NOW where I am. I pray you will consider supporting this ministry if ABBA leads you! 


I have included a list the immediate needs of the ministry if you would like to contribute. Instead of sowing financial seeds, you can send an item from our needs list if you would like too!! Thank you so much!! Any and all donations are deeply appreciated! I so humbled by support of beautiful Brothers and Sisters. You mean the world to me and I am forever grateful that YOU have chosen to sow seed into our last days mission work!! I love you and am committed to keeping you and your family covered in prayer! Shalom, Shalom!

“יהוה bless you and guard you;

יהוה make His face shine upon you, and show favour to you;

יהוה lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.” ’

“Thus they shall put My Name on the children of Yisra’ĕl, and I Myself shall bless them.”

Items Needed for Our Mission to become a Last Days Refuge

MOST NEEDED ARE: These Are to Be used as Temporary Housing and one will be used as the “Tent of Meeting” for Our Gathering Place to Worship Yahuah/ Yahusha

BULK FOOD-Beans/Rice/ Dried Foods

Mylar Bags & 5 Gallon food grade buckets


Teepee Tent

Yurt Tent

These items are being collected for our storehouse to give to families during a natural disaster, power outages and such.

Oil lanterns/ oil fuel

linen fabric

Survival food packs

Water filter reusable bottles

Water filter straws

Sleeping bags

Cast iron frying pans/ dutch oven (only 2)

Bulk beeswax

Candles/soy or beeswax unscented

Survival Garden Seeds

Survival Gear Kits 13 in 1- Outdoor Emergency

Emergency Weather Radio

First Aid Survival Emergency Kit

Survival Backpacks-– (We are collecting these to give out one per family in emergency events)

  • All links are to Amazon but items do NOT have to be purchased through Amazon these are just to give examples.

       All Donations can to Shipped to–

Amaliyah Siler c/o Salt & Lyte Gypsy Ministry

18 Courtney Road

Lancaster, VA 22503

or we can pick up local donations

send email to- amaliasiler@gmail.com and fill out form below so we can send you a

Thank You GIFT!



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